A Disagreement
So, I ought to know better but obviously I don’t. Facebook is a bizarre environment where your “friends” are often not your… well, friends. The story is simple but it prompted me to write this post on my blog rather than directly on Facebook. Here goes. I saw a post on another FB page and copied it to mine. This is it: I am not a religious person. In today’s America, polarized over religion and politics, I thought the message had some importance. The story of Christ is 2000 years old. He was a resident of the Middle East and I am certain he did not look anything like the White appearing person depicted in evangelical Christianity in the United States. In my mind this meme makes sense. We are told that Christ was a proponent of peace and tolerance. I guess socialism is the idea that we all care for each other. No sooner had I posted it than a “friend” commented that Christ wasn’t talking about government. I was told by this “friend” that government defined socialism was differen...