Memorial Day


Tomorrow is Memorial Day, the time to remember all of the Americans who have fallen fighting the wars America has waged. Sadly, Republicans in the Senate voted against a bipartisan commission 3 days before Memorial Day that would investigate the January 6th storming of the U.S. Capitol building -- because their party bears culpability for the attempted coup. This dishonors all Americans who have fought for over 200 years to defend democracy. 

I am done with the Krazy Kult that the Republican Party has become. As a military veteran who served during war, I cannot countenance a political party that is aligned with opponents of democracy, both foreign (Putin) and domestic (white supremacist terrorists). I will do all that is in my power to turn them out of office. You can join in that effort. Remember Memorial Day. Remember the 28th of May. Remember the 6th of January.


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