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Politico Magazine published this article yesterday on 18 ways the Supreme Court just changed America. They range from the alpha to the omega, nothing much changed to civil war. Let me warn readers upfront of my sentiments on the recent SCOTUS decisions, Roe and others. I think the right-wing MAGA faction of the Republican Party is in full ascendancy. I disagree vehemently with them and find it appalling that after 233 years under the Constitution, the Supreme Court has simply become an operative arm of the party that committed sedition and is still trying to overthrow our government. I view the six conservative justices as a wrecking ball to the law. I will dedicate my efforts to seeing that they won’t succeed. Okay, on to what we now face as a nation. The 18 mini-essays in the Politico Magazine piece include some delusions. Kristan Hawkins, who has long been an anti-abortion advocate, wants us all to sing kumbaya and now just come together. This is the sort of slap to t...