Staying Healthy
As my birthday approaches, thoughts of aging creep into my brain. Margan and I try to take measures that are healthy and she found one among the docs we follow on Twitter (I refuse to use the awful name the sociopathic owner of that platform has given it). TheLiverDoc (@theliverdr on Twitter and instagram@theliverdr) posted nine “simple life hacks” for better liver health . They are supported by a medical study which is in the original tweet. In thinking about them, they are a reasonably good guide to health in other areas such as cardiovascular fitness and cognition. Here are his nine recommendations: Daily walking – at least 30 minutes daily and 6000 to 8000 steps for the elderly crowd. The following figure shows this effect in those older and younger than 60, with a “sweet spot” of 8000 steps daily for us geezers. Brisk walking – walking 100 steps per minute decreases liver fat; 150 minutes per week is recommended. Running – personally, I left running behind when I retired ...