And Now -- Commuting Roger Stone's Conviction
Donald Trump showed that his real concern is not reelection in 2020 but avoidance of prosecution for criminal activity when he commuted the sentence of Roger Stone on 10 July 2020. Stone was convicted of lying to protect Trump. The sentence commutation is a bald statement that Trump knows he has committed crimes and he is desperate to put a lid on it. As Mitt Romney noted yesterday, this is “ unprecedented, historic corruption: an American president commutes the sentence of a person convicted by a jury of lying to shield that very president .” America remains highly polarized politically and there will undoubtedly still be people who support Trump. Their willful ignorance and blindness towards his criminality has left us with a rudderless Executive Branch at precisely the same time as the COVID-19 pandemic is roaring back to life. The federal mismanagement of the pandemic is also because of Trump’s feckless “leadership”. He continues to live in a total bubble regarding COVID-19, where...