Reclamation Day
Today is Reclamation Day. Conservatives have framed freedom, patriotism, and the American flag as concepts they own and that liberals despise. They do not own them and liberals do not despise them. As such, I want to offer some thoughts on why these ideas belong to all Americans. Freedom first; let’s use the Covid-19 pandemic as a lens. We are in the midst of a global catastrophe that requires application of science and public health principles for control; these principles must be enacted in such a manner that everyone shares the responsibility for them, from the individual up to the national level. The use of masks is central for control of the pandemic and yet has engendered resistance from many Americans. The libertarian and conservative stance is that government has no right to limit their liberty by requiring that they wear a mask. By taking this position they pose a risk to themselves and a risk to others for coronavirus infection. There is an old saw that says “Your...